Other Writings

A selection of short stories and essays I’ve written with links to pieces that can be read in full online.


“The Better Person” in Caravan (India); also published in Storyville

“The Cure” in Fifty-Two Stories, originally published in Noon

“Quarantine” in the Kenyon Review, New Stories from the South (edited by Madison Smartt Bell), and in the new anthology Eyes Glowing at the Edge of the Woods (edited by Laura Long and Doug Van Gundy) out March 2017.


“Beauty” in Noon

“What We Mean” in Fourteen Hills

“Ten Thousand Years” in The Sun

“Floating” in Epoch


“The Cold Call” in the New York Times Magazine

“West Virginia’s Palace of Gold” in the Op-Ed section of the New York Times; reprinted in the International Herald Tribune

“Coming Out” on the Random House India blog; also published in Out Magazine

“First Kiss” in Marie Claire (India)

“My Name’s Not Elvis” in the Hindustan Times